


Black Male Issue

As a former award-winning educator, school administrator turned-psychologist, Dr. Curt has worked with Black Males ages 7-77 dealing with issues surrounding systemic racism, code-switching, micro-aggressions, mis-education, school-to-prison pipeline, incarceration, fatherhood challenges, domestic violence, the #BlackMaleMentalHealthStruggle, self-betrayal, guilt/shame, Adverse Childhood Experiences, destructive beliefs, trauma types, a new vocabulary of feelings, and more.

Mental Health

For the past 16 years, Dr. Curt has served Black Males and those who interact with Black Males in his private practice. He has worked with issues involving sexual abuse, depression, anger-rage-resentment, the effects of white supremacy, emotional exhaustion, emotional regulation, healing, recovery, addiction, grief, trauma, racial stress & anxiety, family dynamic challenges, PTSD, relationship challenges, mood disorders, cognitive distortions, attachment theory, and more.

Personal Development

Dr. Curt teaches a holistic approach to personal development for individuals & groups with issues involving emotional intelligence, wellness/well-being, self-care, conscious communication/conflict challenges, parenting success, relationship success, relational intelligence, imposter syndrome, healthy family systems, and more.





Learn Dr. Curt’s unique approach to leadership involving resiliency, self-care, emotional literacy, attachment styles, trauma, and how to effectively use wisdom, clarity and compassion. Learn your personal spiritual path to leadership which requires purpose, alignment, and authenticity, emotional maturity, self-empowerment, and healing.

High-Performing Individuals & Teams

Learn about the stages of change, signs of personal healing, self-valuing/self-honoring, self-accountability, boundaries, personal power, discernment, radical self-care, joy & fun, effective high performing attributes, old vs, balance/harmony and “minding one’s own business”, emotional self-harm, 8 Sustainable Real High Performer Attributes, 7 types of rest, and more.

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

Dr. Curt will assist your company/organization with enhancing or creating effective DEI programs for Black Males, specifically, which provide a feeling of belonging and overall increased productivity. By generating feelings of belonging and respect, Black Male employees feel more comfortable showing their authentic selves.

For Black Males, specifically, diversity, equity, and inclusion are unique key concepts that equal improved Black male employee experience and increased business success from recruitment to the end of their time with your company.

Learn how your organization should view current programs, policies, values, strategies, and practices as it relates to Black Male employees, and Black customers' experiences.

Organizations and companies that prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion are more profitable and have healthier company cultures for their Black Male employees.

Learn how to enact meaningful change for your Black Male employees and how you must address their physical, mental, emotional, and financial well-being, along with work-life balance and social equity.




Learning Institutions

Learn about the 4 elements of cultural competency, mental health vs. emotional health/wellness, the Black Male Mental Health Crisis, how to normalize wellness while reducing mental health stigmas, 5 examples of emotional wounds, and more.


Learn how to create and sustain Mental Health Roundtables, support teams, what happens when the organization is over-led, over-trained and over-coached, the difference between impact versus imprint, a new way of looking at personal responsibility, the difference between stress & anxiety, how to create an atmosphere of emotional safety.

Organizations Charged with Serving Black Males

Learn how to ask solution-focused questions, what is radical honesty and radical self-care, how to support constituents & stakeholders through grief, trauma, death, personal development/mental health challenges, how to prioritize mental health & wellness, how to create/design a self-regulation toolbox, understanding emotions, and more.

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